Tracking Modes#

class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.dimuon_tracking_resolution.DimuonTrackingResolution(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'DimuonTrackingResolution'#

Create the basf2 path for the validation of this mode. Consult the source for specifics on the validation steering

offline_df_manipulation(df: DataFrame) DataFrame[source]#

Offline Output Formats: parquet, root

property analysis_validation_histograms: List[Histogram]#



  • Label: \(Original d0\)

  • Range: (-700, 700)

  • Units: mu m

  • Component 1: mup_micro_d0

  • Component 2: mum_micro_d0


  • Label: \(Moved d0\)

  • Range: (-700, 700)

  • Units: mu m

  • Component 1: mup_micro_d0FromIP

  • Component 2: mum_micro_d0FromIP


  • Label: \(Original z0\)

  • Range: (-2000, 2000)

  • Units: mu m

  • Component 1: mup_micro_z0

  • Component 2: mum_micro_z0


  • Label: \(Moved z0\)

  • Range: (-2000, 2000)

  • Units: mu m

  • Component 1: mup_micro_z0FromIP

  • Component 2: mum_micro_z0FromIP


  • Label: \(p_{CMS}\)

  • Range: (0, 7)

  • Units: GeV

  • Component 1: mup_CM_p

  • Component 2: mum_CM_p


  • Label: \(p_{T, CM}\)

  • Range: (0, 7)

  • Units: GeV

  • Component 1: mup_CM_pt

  • Component 2: mum_CM_pt


  • Label: \(CDC Hits\)

  • Range: (0, 80)

  • Units:

  • Component 1: mup_nCDCHits

  • Component 2: mum_nCDCHits


  • Label: \(SVD Hits\)

  • Range: (0, 14)

  • Units:

  • Component 1: mup_nSVDHits

  • Component 2: mum_nSVDHits


  • Label: \(PXD Hits\)

  • Range: (0, 4)

  • Units: mu m

  • Component 1: mup_nPXDHits

  • Component 2: mum_nSVDHits


  • Label: \(\Delta d0 (From IP)\)

  • Range: (-200, 200)

  • Units: mum

  • Component : hD0Res


  • Label: \(\Delta z0 (From IP)\)

  • Range: (-500, 500)

  • Units: mum

  • Component : hZ0Res


  • Label: \(Track time\)

  • Range: (-50, 50)

  • Units: ns

  • Component 1: mup_trackTime

    cut: mup_nSVDHits > 0.5

  • Component 2: mum_trackTime

    cut: mum_nSVDHits > 0.5

  • Component 3: mup_trackTime

    cut: mup_nSVDHits <= 0.5

  • Component 4: mum_trackTime

    cut: mum_nSVDHits <= 0.5


  • Label: \(Track is Flipped and Refitted\)

  • Range: (-0.5, 1.5)

  • Units:

  • Component 1: mup_isTrackFlippedAndRefitted

  • Component 2: mum_isTrackFlippedAndRefitted

class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.dimuon_tracking_efficiency.DimuonTrackingEfficiency(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'DimuonTrackingEfficiency'#
class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.dtokspipisyst_validation_mode.DtoKsPiPiSystValidationMode(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'DtoKsPiPiSyst'#
latex_str = '$D^{*+}\\rightarrow (D^0 \\rightarrow K_S^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+$'#

Create the basf2 path for the validation of this mode. Consult the source for specifics on the validation steering

class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.mergedKs_efficiency.MergedKsEfficiency(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'MergedKsEfficiency'#

Create the basf2 path for the validation of this mode. Consult the source for specifics on the validation steering

class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.mergedL0_efficiency.MergedL0Efficiency(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'MergedL0Efficiency'#

Create the basf2 path for the validation of this mode. Consult the source for specifics on the validation steering

class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.prompt_tracks_distributions.PromptTracksDistributions(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'PromptTracksDistributions'#

Create the basf2 path for the validation of this mode. Consult the source for specifics on the validation steering

class vibe.analysis_validation_modes.tracking.tracking_efficiency.TrackingEfficiency(base_path: str, exp: int | None = None, run_type: str | None = None, processing_id: str | None = None, run_range: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, release: str | None = None, offline_run: bool | None = False)[source]#

Bases: ValidationModeBaseClass

name: str | None = 'TrackingEfficiency'#

Create the basf2 path for the validation of this mode. Consult the source for specifics on the validation steering