How To Request Validation with VIBE#

In this section we will detail exactly how to request a validation to be run with VIBE.

Step 1: Choosing a VIBE mode#

To begin, you must choose the validation mode you would like to use for your request. The modes are sorted into groups primarily to match the performance working group structure. The available VIBE modes are listed in Available VIBE Modes, there you will find all the information about each VIBE mode including the output histograms. If none of the available modes suits your needs, please create your own by following the steps in Developing in VIBE. Additionally, if you feel your mode does not fit in any of the existing groups, i.e. charmed, then please request this when opening a merge request for your new mode, we can easily accommodate! Once you have chosen your mode(s) you can proceed with Step 2: Requesting an active validation campaign.

Step 2: Requesting an active validation campaign#

Requesting a VIBE validation is as simple as creating a gitlab issue on the VIBE repository. We ask that you check if the campaign you want to validate is already in the Active Validation Campaigns, if yes click on the corresponding link to open a new validation request form and fill in the details (like described in Step 3) and move to Step 4: Labels and Milestones. Please take note of the title format we use for these VIBE requests. If the validation you require is not an active campaign, proceed to Step 3: General validation request form (No active campaign).


The title of your issue needs to be only the VIBE mode and what validation milestone you are requesting. An example of a good title:

proc16 chunk1 DimuonTrackingResolution


If you have any comments or questions about your validation or about VIBE please feel free to add this to your validation request issue on VIBE.

Step 3: General validation request form (No active campaign)#

If your required validation is in Concluded Validation Campaigns or it has not been been a campaign, you can request validation using the general validation request form. This form follows the general template as shown below:

# VIBE Validation Requests Form

Mode Name: {{ name of request mode }}

Validation Run {{ the round of validation (i.e proc16 chunk1)}}

Local or Grid: {{ if your input dataset on KEKCC or the grid? }}

Input Dataset(s): {{ path to dataset to validate }}

Additional Information: {{ globaltags, kwargs, experiments etc. }}

Comments or Questions: {{ delete if you have no comments or questions for us. }}

## DELETE FROM ISSUE You do not need to open multiple issues for each experiment e.g e1003 and e1004. Just specify in the additional information section. If you are unsure of some information in the request form, please create the request and ask for assistance in the Comments or Questions section.

Step 4: Labels and Milestones#

Once you have filled in the validation title and description sections, you must now attach the corresponding labels and milestones to it. To begin, select the labels dropdown and type “VIBE”, this will select only the VIBE specific labels.


Each request requires a yellow label corresponding to the group your requested mode(s) belong to and an orange label corresponding to the validation campaign. For example if you wish to validate proc16 chunk2 using a mode located inside the tracking group you would choose the orange VIBE proc16 and yellow VIBE tracking labels.


At least one yellow and one orange label is required in each request.


A milestone must also be attached to your request. Once again, select the milestones dropdown and type “VIBE” to select the VIBE specific milestones. The milestone needs to match the validation campaign you are requesting. For example if you wished to validate proc16 chunk2 you would attach the VIBE proc16 chunk2 milestone. If your request is not an active validation campaign, there will be no milestone to attach, in this case leave it blank.

Congratulations, you have submitted a validation request for VIBE.